Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Beyonce Ft. GaGa
Monday, November 23, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Crash Test Dummy Steers Around Wall, by logicheck
Crash Test Dummy Steers Around Wall and Finds Freedom!
Crash Test Dummy Steers Around Wall and Finds Freedom!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Alaskan fronteir policing: Model for Afghanistan alternative?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Icelander's are feeling quite upset about the impending exit of McDonald's food chains (ha).
Just check out this story that likens the departing to a "psychological schock".
Hilarity has ensued. Though it is to be remembered that this departure is caused by serious economic situations, potentially the most pivotal being the devaluation of the native Icelandic currency, which does not use the EU, but is considering full fledged EU membership as an avenue of social and economic stability.
Also to happen in Europe, EU promises to increase their support, both in scope, and in time, to Afghanistan. With Americans pining for the President to make a decision, the President seems to be waiting for all the card's to fall into the right hands. With the EU commitment, potential easing of tensions on the Iran front, and although Iraq has seen recent terrible violence, their security apparatus does grow both in number and competence.
Why does the new's seem intent on making this decision for us, by portraying the President as having stalled on a decision that requires MANY international and competing interests to align, in some form or another. Whether that occur between such Afghanistan interested countries, typically opposed, such as Pakistan and India, or possible border cooperation between Iran and ISAF forces in Afghanistan, including those of the mission charge, the United States. Also to have been considered is the slow grow of American armed forces. This is a time hungry process, and is beginning to see additional troops and units coming operational, and up to organizational requirements. (See "The Walking Dead")
Just another day in a complicated world.
Just check out this story that likens the departing to a "psychological schock".
Hilarity has ensued. Though it is to be remembered that this departure is caused by serious economic situations, potentially the most pivotal being the devaluation of the native Icelandic currency, which does not use the EU, but is considering full fledged EU membership as an avenue of social and economic stability.
Also to happen in Europe, EU promises to increase their support, both in scope, and in time, to Afghanistan. With Americans pining for the President to make a decision, the President seems to be waiting for all the card's to fall into the right hands. With the EU commitment, potential easing of tensions on the Iran front, and although Iraq has seen recent terrible violence, their security apparatus does grow both in number and competence.
Why does the new's seem intent on making this decision for us, by portraying the President as having stalled on a decision that requires MANY international and competing interests to align, in some form or another. Whether that occur between such Afghanistan interested countries, typically opposed, such as Pakistan and India, or possible border cooperation between Iran and ISAF forces in Afghanistan, including those of the mission charge, the United States. Also to have been considered is the slow grow of American armed forces. This is a time hungry process, and is beginning to see additional troops and units coming operational, and up to organizational requirements. (See "The Walking Dead")
Just another day in a complicated world.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Hot tea teaches life lesson.

This morning I am fighting off what I am sure is the beginning's of a cold, caught after spending time with family over the holiday.
The fight is being lead by my trusty friend the Flavia machine. Blueberry echinacea and green tea by the boat load. Never a bad idea, but where is the lesson? Besides a hearty endorsement of fighting illness/ailments as naturally as possible?
I can not fit the mix of the two into our office paper cups, they only manage one serving, and barely at that. So I have to use one of the larger office glasses we have. So two hot teas, alot of honey, and a glass cup. Great, sounds delicious, but the lesson, right? Ok so walking with the cup filled to the brim with smoky hot tea from the kitchen to the office, it is really putting a good burn on my fingers. Walking any faster will surely result in the liquid meeting the limits of the lip, and burning the rest of my hand, probably resulting in me dropping the glass, yelling an expletive, and having to start the process all over what is sure to be an eventuality.
Ok, great, so do not walk with hot cups, thanks alot bub, right? No, not quite; it hit me, that with all of the debate, and recent (irritatingly FEAUX media concern, see special coverage of the "Afghan eight", even the DoD is playing its part), the connection hit me. I could walk faster, and try and get to my destination more quickly, the thought being, if I limit my exposure to this discomfort, then I will have achieved a victory of some scale, over the situation at hand. This of course, as I realized, posed its own, even more perilous set of danger's, not the least of which would have been wasted time. I could always have done it the right way from the beginning, wrapping the cup in paper towels beforehand, but I hadn't, so time machines aside, history was not going to be rewritten. It came to pass that the proper decision was to persist, patiently, professionally, that the fingers could stand the burn, so that the entire hand not suffer.
With all of the recent call to action, one has to wonder, where is it all coming from. DoD having the soldiers do live interviews with CNN, Facebook broadcasts of the details of the attack. Where was all of this concern for the (checking icasualties now) 873 servicemembers who passed, some in much more perilous situations. Not to serve any discredit to these fallen servicemen, believe me in that, but the timing, and the sincerity would be served by skepticism.
What about Wanat? Does anybody see the foolishness of all this? Of course, but those voices are not loud enough.
Must watch TV tonight, by all account's, and judging from the excellent preview currently posted on PBS Frontline. So let's all do ourselves a solid, and take a moment to remember what it really looks like over there, and what it really feels like. Because to watch this footage and not feel, is to be a ghost in a shell. A fragile existence of what it means to be human. Count among those items compassion, concern, consciousness.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Yahoo answers
I know that originally I had had a bit of a disgreement with Yahoo answers.
But I want to take the time to adjust my outlook.
Yahoo Answers makes me feel smart.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Why cash for clunkers has to be continued.
Cash for clunkers, march or die
First let me say that I have direct, second hand experience from the perspective of both the consumer and the retailer. That is to say, the car buyer and the car dealer.
So it is in that manner, that I see a few necessities for the US to not only honor all deals currently completed, up until the supposed moratorium, but also to extend the entire program, possibly even shifting the program's qualifying details.
The cash for clunkers program, or CARS (car allowance rebate system) in the general view, is a program which allows cars made within the last 25 years, and which have been registered current, and for the past year, and achieve a miles per gallon rating of less than 18 average (large vehicles have different criteria). The program was intended to run either until November 1st, 2009 or until the funds had been depleted. Dealers had adopted the practice of offering scrap value for the trade in (around $200USD), as most vehicles being returned were not worth a dollar to most dealers in any other circumstance.
The program has proven extremely popular, and has been heavily utilized.
Currently their has been a suspension of processing of new deals, as no one seems to have any idea as to what amount of the $1 Billion USD set aside for the program has been either depleted or reserved by deals completed. Car dealers are continuing to see large amounts of traffic, people looking to complete a CARS program transaction. Dealers however have to say no. Here is why; with the time it takes for a car deal (deal) to be completed, the paperwork to be processed and a number of other variables, such as vehicle swap with other dealers per stock issues or awaiting a vehicle that was ordered specifically, and will have to be sent from port of point of manufacture, their is no guarantee that even the deals completed will have the funds to be honored. Dealers could be left with the cost of these deals, which would include the cost of vehicles that are not resaleable which were taken on trade, the potential permanent destruction (per government guidelines) of vehicles from trade which might be resalable, and the cost of writing deals minus $4500 from the government, which the dealer/financier/manufacturer may have to fork over.
It is not difficult to see their is a potentially huge problem. The US has essentially made promises to small businesses (the dealer), allowed them to extend themselves on that promise, and maintained no accountability of how that promise was being fulfilled. Dealers are now in a race against time to file the paperwork necessary to receive the CARS rebate. Many dealers are left to believe that they may be footing the bill, or taking 'hits' off of these bad deals.
The problem however, is not just that, it is also the mechanics of the thing, the engineering and execution of a brilliant program, with great potential. It was a campaign promise, and a good one to keep. Again, however, the lack in understanding of how this would be received, indicates that this plan was implemented with little to no understanding of the current market. Apparently the US was "surprised' at the popularity. Imagine any other serious financial/strategic venture, hearing the word surprise is not the best thing I can imagine. A military campaign should not be 'surprised' at the strength of the enemy, it should have understood the environment in which it was operating. And that is the case here.
Their are other issues as well; with the way this program is turning out, I cede to you that at least some American's are already beginning to lose faith in the ability of this US to execute its mission, and complete its goals in a structured, efficient manner. At a time when what many to believe is a fundamental error in America, the health system, is being debated for major overhaul. This does not bode well for proponents of sweeping mass-reform. Reform I personally believe needs to occur as much as anyone (more on that some other time).
So, in order to ensure the financial revenue expected of this program, restore the confidence of small business, and the American people, and honor a commitment already extended and received, the US must extend the cash, responsibly.
One way to continue might be to guarantee the validity of all deals completed before the 31st of July (ink signed). The program might also be extended, and modified to include cars of certain model years known to contain the most inefficient vehicles, even extending the 25 year deadline. I know I have seen quite more than a few 197* 198* LARGE sedans and trucks on the road, spewing black smoke.
Is that something you would be interested in?
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
A Dozen Shot In Chicago Overnight []
More Than A Dozen Shot In Chicago Overnight; 7 Of Them In One West Side Incident -

Among the victims was a 20 year old woman standing with her baby in stoller within the same evening which 7 males ranging from the ages 15-28 show in the same incident.
The night of violence included an abduction, in which a victim was compelled into the assailant's vehicle, directing them to the victim's residence, where they took posession of several TVs and other properties. They then proceeded to assault the victim, shooting the victim as he ran away from the attack.
Their was at least one known gunfire exchange between individuals.
Their was even someone shot in the eye.
What is going on?
"More Than A Dozen Shot In Chicago Overnight 7 Victims In One Attack; Total Of 15 Hurt Over Four Hours"
Among the victims was a 20 year old woman standing with her baby in stoller within the same evening which 7 males ranging from the ages 15-28 show in the same incident.
The night of violence included an abduction, in which a victim was compelled into the assailant's vehicle, directing them to the victim's residence, where they took posession of several TVs and other properties. They then proceeded to assault the victim, shooting the victim as he ran away from the attack.
Their was at least one known gunfire exchange between individuals.
Their was even someone shot in the eye.
What is going on?
Photo Gallery: The Power of the Taliban [SPIEGEL]
Photo Gallery: The Power of the Taliban - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International: "AFPTaliban commander Qari Zainuddin (center) talks to media in Dera Ismail Khan on June 21 -- just two days before his death."
Why do these guys look like a kind of rap group?
Why do these guys look like a kind of rap group?
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Chinese man kills self after losing phone
Reported on, and supposedly responded to by Apple, a Chinese man has decided to end his life, after apparently losing a prototype of the fourth generation iPhone. Fourth generation, when counting the 3G S as a new iteration.
USAToday reports that the man was detained, his personal belongings seized, and apparently, reports circulated that he was also beaten by police.
I do not mention any of these things to make a point of the probable or improbable truth in these reports. Because who knows, and who will ever know.
As convenient as anyone may find it to believe that a Chinese company, with a foreign market and supervisor, was likely, and able to pressure police into cruel and unusual actions is one thing. It is logical, rather than convenient, to believe that their will be no truth finding commission, and no 'state inquiry.'
What I would like to point out is the reaction of those who decided to publicly voice their opinion on the matter.
Link provided again:
These people deserve absolutely no attention, nor mention. But to not mark them as they are would be the greater shame.
Here is a sample:
(not exact, as between beginning and ending this post, USAToday had removed)
'Just look at them on the bus, how they stare at you...these people are the real **** tards...'
I think their should be a project to attempt to identify and log all hateful, illegal, and racist comment's made public.
Reported on, and supposedly responded to by Apple, a Chinese man has decided to end his life, after apparently losing a prototype of the fourth generation iPhone. Fourth generation, when counting the 3G S as a new iteration.
USAToday reports that the man was detained, his personal belongings seized, and apparently, reports circulated that he was also beaten by police.
I do not mention any of these things to make a point of the probable or improbable truth in these reports. Because who knows, and who will ever know.
As convenient as anyone may find it to believe that a Chinese company, with a foreign market and supervisor, was likely, and able to pressure police into cruel and unusual actions is one thing. It is logical, rather than convenient, to believe that their will be no truth finding commission, and no 'state inquiry.'
What I would like to point out is the reaction of those who decided to publicly voice their opinion on the matter.
Link provided again:
These people deserve absolutely no attention, nor mention. But to not mark them as they are would be the greater shame.
Here is a sample:
(not exact, as between beginning and ending this post, USAToday had removed)
'Just look at them on the bus, how they stare at you...these people are the real **** tards...'
I think their should be a project to attempt to identify and log all hateful, illegal, and racist comment's made public.
Thursday, July 16, 2009

iwasthinkingaboutwritingallmypostswithoutspaces. youknowtobedifferentand'cool'. I swear if I ever get another idea that lame, and DON'T follow through..........naaa...just kidding. As much as I get tempted by these little urges to do these types of things I have can usually hit the reset button in the brain housing area, and be rid of it.
So I am working semi-diligently on the format of this blog. What services/tools I am going to employ in the process of achieving my goal. Which, generally, is to make all of these new media/life tools, and their information useful. But I have also decided to add an additional prerogative, two actually.
First, not being in school, I do not really get the chance to write, and literally express myself sufficiently. This might actually be the reason I am even doing any of this at all. It is true, the brain is a not permanent, if you do not use it, I do believe you lose it.
Secondly, numerically not intrinsically, I no longer can agree with how terms and conditions are forced upon you when you use sites like I am not mentioning MySpace (evolve people!). Of course I realize that having a site like Facebook is going to be a useful tool, in life, both personal, and professional. So I realize that it, at least for myself, is not going anywhere anytime soon. But I would like to limit the amount of info that I have on there. Since after all, they "own" everything I create/post/write/click/etc....So in spreading out what I see as the essentials to different platforms/sources, I can minimize the social monopoly that they are maintaining.
So here is what I see (without putting in any actual thought/work...naturally) as my necessary centers of expression/sharing.
Basic contact/identification information
Opportunities for discovery/re-discovery of acquaintances
Representation/identification of friendships/groups
Next level contact information/identification
Media of self representation (images/sounds)
Media sharing/broadcasting
Event co-ordination(creation/invitation/management)
Accepting shared/broadcasted media
Accepting public comment/suggestion
Accepting private comment/suggestion
So hopefully haved layed these goals out a little more carefully. Work continues in finding the right combination/method of fulfilling this.
Oh yeah, and DAM! I say some funny shit sometimes.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Here I am now trying to link all these different technologies and emerginc services together. Goodle voice for BB just released/installed...very cool!
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
Monday, June 1, 2009
Found it!
Time has been progressing steadily, and I was not able to find anything to post next. It obviously had to be somehing of relevance, something that would be of a defining character. I don't think that the first post is what matters, thats just breaking the cherry. What I think is really the heart of the beast, is what I was going to choose as a first step. Obviously none of this is really anything more than trivial, but it is still real; so I think I finally found it. --Side note, I have come across some real great stuff, lapop battery has managed to be dead every other time I thought I had it!
Check that question and resonse on Yahoo answeres out.
How the hell is someone going to get any kind of useful information out of that nonsense. Seriously, their must have been about as many contradictions as their were posted answers. Why do people think they have the ability to answer a question like this. Especially based off of what "my mom use to let the dog do."
In case you didn't rad the link yet, it is a question about whether or not it is ok/good for a dog to lick your wounds.
Now. The only reason I came across this is because I was seriously wondering if, because of the state of health care, and horribe employment benifits, that I might be on to something here. My foot being a bit abrased, why not let the dog take care of it, and not wait in some musty, dank health clinic.
Well, thanks to a bunch of people with a big helping of over confidence, I still don't know the answer, and now assume that any answer I find online, unless Dr. Phil has done a special on it (jokes) is going to be some maniacal moron who took too many xenadrine or some other perfectly healthy chemical pharmaceutical (jokes) and has a feaux brain boner.
Would you be interested in that?
Check that question and resonse on Yahoo answeres out.
How the hell is someone going to get any kind of useful information out of that nonsense. Seriously, their must have been about as many contradictions as their were posted answers. Why do people think they have the ability to answer a question like this. Especially based off of what "my mom use to let the dog do."
In case you didn't rad the link yet, it is a question about whether or not it is ok/good for a dog to lick your wounds.
Now. The only reason I came across this is because I was seriously wondering if, because of the state of health care, and horribe employment benifits, that I might be on to something here. My foot being a bit abrased, why not let the dog take care of it, and not wait in some musty, dank health clinic.
Well, thanks to a bunch of people with a big helping of over confidence, I still don't know the answer, and now assume that any answer I find online, unless Dr. Phil has done a special on it (jokes) is going to be some maniacal moron who took too many xenadrine or some other perfectly healthy chemical pharmaceutical (jokes) and has a feaux brain boner.
Would you be interested in that?
Friday, May 1, 2009
And it begins.
What exactly "it" is, I am not sure. But something has began, whether it proves to be of extraneous value or an exercise in intrinsic dilettantism will remain to be seen. Life span also remains to be seen.
This all reminds me of an episode of The Office, Season 2, "Halloween," Creed Bratton asks co-worker Ryan to help him start a blog,\creedthoughts. Of course knowing the dangers of Creeds deformed brain, Ryan simply created a Word document.
Unfortunately for you (pretentious to assume someone is even reading this? maybe?) or myself (self embarassment is never fun -unless you can pretend it was intentional) their is no real life Ryan.
The purpose of this, is to give myself an avenue, to share and record some kind of collective link between the things that I see, the thoughts that I manifest, and the tangibles that bind them togother (script, art, photo, video).
Starting to sound like this is going to be my sanity proclemation, huh?
Not necessarily, I just would like to say and express what I feel might be worth while to someone else.
This all reminds me of an episode of The Office, Season 2, "Halloween," Creed Bratton asks co-worker Ryan to help him start a blog,\creedthoughts. Of course knowing the dangers of Creeds deformed brain, Ryan simply created a Word document.
Unfortunately for you (pretentious to assume someone is even reading this? maybe?) or myself (self embarassment is never fun -unless you can pretend it was intentional) their is no real life Ryan.
The purpose of this, is to give myself an avenue, to share and record some kind of collective link between the things that I see, the thoughts that I manifest, and the tangibles that bind them togother (script, art, photo, video).
Starting to sound like this is going to be my sanity proclemation, huh?
Not necessarily, I just would like to say and express what I feel might be worth while to someone else.
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