iwasthinkingaboutwritingallmypostswithoutspaces. youknowtobedifferentand'cool'. I swear if I ever get another idea that lame, and DON'T follow through..........naaa...just kidding. As much as I get tempted by these little urges to do these types of things I have can usually hit the reset button in the brain housing area, and be rid of it.
So I am working semi-diligently on the format of this blog. What services/tools I am going to employ in the process of achieving my goal. Which, generally, is to make all of these new media/life tools, and their information useful. But I have also decided to add an additional prerogative, two actually.
First, not being in school, I do not really get the chance to write, and literally express myself sufficiently. This might actually be the reason I am even doing any of this at all. It is true, the brain is a not permanent, if you do not use it, I do believe you lose it.
Secondly, numerically not intrinsically, I no longer can agree with how terms and conditions are forced upon you when you use sites like Facebook...no I am not mentioning MySpace (evolve people!). Of course I realize that having a site like Facebook is going to be a useful tool, in life, both personal, and professional. So I realize that it, at least for myself, is not going anywhere anytime soon. But I would like to limit the amount of info that I have on there. Since after all, they "own" everything I create/post/write/click/etc....So in spreading out what I see as the essentials to different platforms/sources, I can minimize the social monopoly that they are maintaining.
So here is what I see (without putting in any actual thought/work...naturally) as my necessary centers of expression/sharing.
Basic contact/identification information
Opportunities for discovery/re-discovery of acquaintances
Representation/identification of friendships/groups
Next level contact information/identification
Media of self representation (images/sounds)
Media sharing/broadcasting
Event co-ordination(creation/invitation/management)
Accepting shared/broadcasted media
Accepting public comment/suggestion
Accepting private comment/suggestion
So hopefully haved layed these goals out a little more carefully. Work continues in finding the right combination/method of fulfilling this.
Oh yeah, and DAM! I say some funny shit sometimes.
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